COVID-19 and Visiting Caring House
We serve residents who are nearing the ends of their lives, and we want them to be able to have visitors. We must also protect all of our residents, visitors and staff from infection. We’ve developed the following approaches, which are subject to change by Caring House in our sole discretion and without prior notice.
Visitor Policies
We would greatly appreciate knowing when you plan to visit ahead of time, so we can ensure social distancing. Please call (310) 796-6625 ext. 3 to let us know when you’ll be visiting.
Visiting hours are 9 am – 6 pm daily (exceptions can be made upon request).
Only two people may visit Caring House at one time.
Procedures When Visiting
Upon arrival, each visitor will be required to:
Provide their name, the name of who they are visiting, and sign-in on our visitor log
Wear a well-fitted mask (their own or one provided by us)
Wash/sanitize their hands after checking in
Physically distance
At the end of each visit, each visitor should promptly leave the house, so we may sanitize and prepare for other visitors
If a resident begins to display symptoms related to COVID-19, that resident will be quarantined and that resident’s visitors will be limited to essential care personnel. We will inform other residents’ visitors of the potential for exposure, and they may choose whether to continue visiting.
If a resident is confirmed to have active COVID-19, that resident will be quarantined and we will discontinue visits to all residents, except by essential care personnel, until further notice.
Electronic Communication
We have dedicated personal electronic devices for residents to utilize in the comfort and safety of their room. Residents will be assisted in using video and audio calling to reach loved ones. Video calls must be set up in advance with our Caregivers and will require participants to have email to receive invitations.