The Honor Roll

Remember the Life – Honor Roll
Honoring and remembering the lives of the residents who experienced peace at the end of life in our care is an important part of our mission.
The list below includes the names of the beloved community members who spent the last days and weeks of their lives at Caring House.
Honor them. Remember them.
“If you know someone who has lost [someone], and you’re afraid to mention them because you think you might make them sad by reminding them that they died – you’re not reminding them. They didn’t forget they died. What you’re reminding them of is that you remembered that they lived, and… that is a great gift.” – Elizabeth Edwards
Last Name A-F
(Last Name: A – F)
Carol A.
Bruce A.
Esther A.
Karen Adams
Linda Allan
Michael Allen
Amalia "Molly"Ambatielos
Yoko Anzai
Xao Au
Soelaiman Azali
Ramiro Aguilar
Zlata Ajkunic
Zurlene A’Moore
Wanda M. Layton Abati
Aaron Abramovitch
Toshiko Adams
Cheryl Albert
Patricia “Pat” Alex
Margaret “Peggy” Allen
Eleanor Angelico
Judith Appleby
Herbert Arceneaux
Allan Ayars
Pamela Azar
Candyce B.
Carol B.
Jose “Tony” B.
Mary B.
Rostam B.
Thomas B.
Zelda Babtkis
Natividad Badua
Raquel Barajas
Earl Barnard Sr.
William Patrick “Pat” Battista
Terezia Begovich
Richard Bell
Mignon “Mimi” Benjamin
Paul Bermudez
Esther Barbick
Rodney "Rod" Barnes
Richard Bell
Dannie Berry
Clifford Junior "Cliff" Boots
Joseph "Joe" Bosnich
Lula Brayboy
Dominador T. "J.R." Briones Jr.
Justin Burke
Peter "Pete"Butt
Reynaldo “Rey” Bernaldo
Robert Bettis
Christopher Blaxland
Mary Blomgren
Celia Booth
Jacqualine Bradley
Madalena “Dina” Branning
Viktor Bratus
Clarence Brauer
Lula Brayboy
Valerie Bross
Kathy Brunick
Millicent Butler
Calvin C.
Leyton C.
Pamela C.
Sigrid C.
Wayne C.
Juana “Dora” Cajahuanca
William Campbell
Laura Carrasco
Dorothy Carvalho
Steve Casares
Marjorie “June” Casey
Sonny Castro
Carmen Cendejas
Grace Chan
Linda Chandler
Glynda Chase
Maria Chavez
Jehangir Chemi
Mae Christmas
German Chumpitaz
Myron “Mike” Cirka
Denzil “Mike” Claypool
Stewart “Norm” Cleveland
Della Cluff
A. James “Jim” Cole
Marian “Mary Jo” Cole
Beverly Collins
Clarence “Chuck” Cones
Laurel “Lala” Contreras
Guadalupe “Lou” Cordero
Maxine Crow
Helen Ruth Cuccia
Mario Cachia
Keith D. Calvin
Alvaro Campos
Arnulfo Castellanos
Gloria Chapman
Betty Chelland
Michael Coe
A. James "Jim" Cole
Christopher "Chris" Cordill
Arcenia Cortez
Norma L. Day
Manuel V. Dias
Carol Donnelly
Phillip Dore
Haldon "Hal" Dumas
Tom D.
Wanda D.
Lillian Daly
John Dedrick
Maria Delgado de Nunez
Olga Delmar
William “Bill” Demers
Judith Dobin
Florence “Flo” Marie Dobson
Erma Donahue
Edward Doolittle
Nancy Dowey
Eleanor “Ellie” May Gee-Downs
Hugh “Scotty” Doyle
Rosalee Doyle
Wilburn “Van” Edwards
Betty Elliott
Sharon Evans
Barbara Edwards
Ronald "Ronnie" Eliason
Loretta Fairbrother
Marjorie Falcon
Howard Feinberg
Wendy Fisher
Gary Fisher
Gregory "Greg" Flores
John "Gary" Frantz
Marilyn "Mimi" French
Dana Farfan
Christie Fafard
Ronald “Ron” Ray Fechter
Joanne Fitzgerald
John Fitzpatrick
Margaret “Meg” Flanders
Charles “Jim” Ford
Dilsene Foreman
Patricia “Pat” Forrester
John “Gary” Frantz
Allen Freehling
Don Freeman
Charles Freyre
Patsy Fry
Masanori “Mas” Fujimoto
Randy Fukumoto
Last Name G-L
Diane G.
Kenneth G.
Sandra G.
Shirin G.
Ted G.
Fraterninad Garcia Navales
Deborah “Debbie” Gardner
J. Bernard L. Gee
Anna “Simmie” Geller
Ruth Geller
Irwin Gerst
Sharon Gray
Joel Gubac
Noriko Gurnari
Baiba Glassford
Rebbie Glover
Delia Gondar
Margaret Gonzales
Reba Goode
John “Jack” Graham
Allen Green
Josephine “Jo” Grove
Ramon Guerrero
Steve Guinn
Christel H.
Katsumi H.
Soonie H.
Olivia Hamlette
Dee Hardison
Irene Hawkins
Ruth Helwig
Carl Henry
Joyce Hicks
Ruth Hiersemann
Jerry Hilborn
Doris Hileman
Willie Hill
Jack Hoffman
Larry Hubbard
Jimmie “Dave” Hudson
Chong Hyon "Han" Han
Douglas "Doug" Harkins
Dorothy Hatanaka
Jacqueline "Jackie" Heite
Werner Helwig
Gerald Holleman
Yosuke Ichikawa
George I.
Helen Igoe
June Ikeda
Marilyn “Joyce” Immerzeel
Marcelino Ines
Fujie “Faye” Inouye
Mitsuko Izumi
Earnestine Jackson
Jessie Jenkins
Carole Jensen
Deborah Ann Jessing
Maria Jimenez
Betty Jones
Roy Jackson
Edna Jarvis
Henry Jaurretche
John Kaili
Michael Wayne "Doc" Kelly
Thomas Kim
Lloyd Michael "Mike" King
Lorene "Lorrie" Klett
Mildred "Millie" Klevens
Nancy Koenig
Henry "Hank" Kupsa
Anita K.
Elizabeth K.
Jeanne K.
Chiyeko Kaida
Willard “Bill” Karl
Midori Kato
Robert Katz
Ronald “Ron” Kelley
Pamela Kim
Byung Kim
Mary Knight
Frank Lee Knox
Philip Konduros
Rolf Korstvedt
Ayako Koshimizu
Genevieve Kowalewski
Dorothy Koyanagi
Tai Kwok
Daniel L.
Louise L.
Nancy Jo L.
Soo L.
Sandra Lambrose
William Landes
Arthur Landreth
John Laughlin
Norene Law
Ruben Dario Leon
Elaine Light
JoAnn Linton
Fay Litwak
Bobbie Lang
Mary LaRue
Dulce Laureiro
William Lee
Samella Lewis
Hanyong Lin
Alice Chan Loo
Christa Loderich
Madelon Logue
Janie Lonergan
Frank Lopez
Robert “Bob” Lopin
Wilhelmina Loveria
So Ly
Robert “Bob” Lynn
Last Name M-R
Daisy M.
Luis Fernando M.
Mike M.
Robert Mack
Homa Mahmoodian
Evelyn Maldonado
Adelaida “Aida” Mangual
Robert “Bob” Matsubayashi
George Mayol
Loren McAnelly
David McCarthy
Fred McCollum
Julia McDevitt
Patricia McElderry
Patricia “Pat” McGinnis
Robert McGowan
Robert Miller
Alex Mitchell
Walter Montgomery
Hans Mueller
Joseph “Bill” Muniz
Darryl Munn
David "Dave" Matte
Geraldine P. "Gerry" Maxey
Latricia "Trish" McGlynn
Margie Dee McMartin
Ruben Montijo
Arturo I. Moreno
Muriel "Mimi" Muro
Lillian Murphy
Toshihiko "Toshi" Nakano
Ileana N.
Shiro Nagaoka
James “Jim” Nakao
Marvin Neiditch
Robert “Nick” Nicholson
Arthur Nishitsuji
Diane Nishiyama
Jo Ellen “Jo” Flaspohler Nitzan
Linda Nomura
Charles “Charlie” O’Connor
Beverly O’Donnell
Arthur Ochoa
Edwin “Gene” Okuma
Ramona Olmedo
Betty Mitsue Omine
Elena Opazo
Salvador Ortega
William Osaka
Lavaughn Ogren
Mary Margaret Orlando
Alfredo Ortega
Frank Parth
Debora Patton
Laniese Perry
Claiborne "Clay" Phillips
Tuvia Pomeranitz
Doris P.
Hugo P.
Ilse P.
Odessa P.
Sylvia P.
Christine Paoletti
Anthony “Tony” Pascucci
Deborah “Debbie” Payne
Amparo Pereida
Joyce Perelli
Carol Anne Peters
Regenia Pickens
Julie Pinckert
Cheryl Pistono
Martha “M.A.” Podue
Ida Porteous
Milton Porter
Linda Quick
W. Norman Quient
Wilbert Quintal
Desmond R.
Lorraine R.
Michael “Mike” R.
Ronald R.
Dragica “Dee” Radic
Ralph "Bill" Rechnor
Velma Reed
Viola Robbins
Angela Romero
Paul Rosenberger
John Joseph Ramos
David Reeves
Gloria Reyes
Hanns Reiter
George Richards
Gloria Ridge
Willis Roberson
Sally Rodgers
Cary Ruhl
Michael Ryman
Last Name S-Z
Jean S.
Joe S.
Megan S.
Peter S.
Rita Sabosky
Peter Salazar
Alice Scott Salo
Lionel Sanchez
Regina Sanders
Rosemarie Santistevan
Teresia Lohran Schimko
Barbara Schmidt
Robert “Bob” Scholz
Dorothy Schou
Chieko Schrader
Tommie Scott
Andrea Scrivens
William Seegmiller
Diane Selfridge
Sondra “Sandy” Shaw
Gordon Shellberg
Richard Shenbaum
Yu-Jen Shields
Steven Shiffman
Tommy “Tako” Shimizu
Rosemary Shuck
Betty Sias
Marlin Silva
Julianne “Juli” Simon
Robert “Bob” Simonsen
James Smathers
Catherine “Trina” Smiley
Harold Smith
Esther “Arlene” Spencer
Diana Spicer
Elaine Stallings Seegar
Lindsay Chatman Stewart
Robert Strong
Hall Stubs
Ellen Sturm
Harue Anne Sugiyama
Judy Faye Surdez
Allen Swancar
Robert "Bob" Saurer
Lawrence "Larry" Schmidt
John Scoins
Kathe Sherbo
Thelma H. Shinn
Ralph Stringer
Jacqua "Jackie"-Deane Sutton
Toshiko Tamura
Marilyn Thayer
Rosa Thomas
Charles Thomas, Sr.
Donald Tyler
Emiko Takemoto
Julie Talbert
Toshiko Tamura
Charles “Terry” Taylor
Beverly Teresinki
Eileen Tett
Laura Jean “Jeannie” Spangler Thomas
Amos Thompson
Anne Thorne
Brian Thorvaldson
Robert Tokunaga
Jack Tomlin
Melissa Torres
Samuel Torres
Manuel Townes
Diane Tracy
Mary Joan Trafton
Jose Bautista Urias
Torao "Tad" Uyemura
Geraldine Vale
Conrad Allen VanZee
Dora Vidal
Fred V.
John Vidal
Carol Voorhees
Hortense W.
William W.
Takashi Watanabe
Richard “Dick” West
Earlie West
Barbara Wheeler
Brenda Williams
Kinsellors “Kenny” Willis
David Wilson
John Wilson
Carmen Wilson
Shirley Wilson
Betty Raley Wing
Leroy Wright
Joyce Walker
Pauline Walter
Kenneth Wasserman
Essie Weaver
Bruce Wiedensohler
Hortence Wilson-Sellers
Steve Winkler
Tom Wong
Eiichi Yasui
Viola Ybarra
William “Bill” Yamaka
Allen Young
Jesus Zambrano
Sharilyn “Sherry” Kay Zimbardi
Carolyn Zimmerman
Diane Zinda
Celia “Ceil” Zuckerman